archiveDecember 2020


Tips On How To Doggy Proof Your Home

Puppies are energetic adventurers who are too young to understand what they shouldn't get into. As a responsible pet parent you must ensure that your home is safe and secure for your dog even when you’re not around. Human Food It doesn't take much time for dogs to figure out where all...

Presa Canario 101: How Much Does a Presa Canario Cost?

It's a well-known fact that the Canary Islands aren't named after canaries, but nobody's 100% certain that they're named after dogs either. Other theories credit seals, lizards, and ancient tribes as the source of the name. One thing is for certain though, the national animal of the Canaries is a dog,...

Consider These Things for Your Pets at Home

Many animal parents are mindful of the instantaneous delights. All this comes with living their lives with service animals. But, plenty of people are oblivious of the physical and mental health effects. Such that this can often surround the joy of snuggling up with a furry companion. It is only...

Leather- The Expensive Yet Perfect Material

Leather is durable and highly flexible material created by tanning animal rawhide and skin. One of the most common raw material is cattle hide, which could be produced at manufacturing scales ranging from the artisan to the modern industrial scale. Many articles can be made from leather, which includes footwear, automobile...